By Curated Media on Thursday, 24 March 2016
Category: Content Marketing

Episode 3 - Law Firm Partners Meeting – Content Strategy

Following Episode 2

In the previous episode, Andrew begged his colleagues to create some content for their new website but could not understand why their content was not performing, despite having no strategy in place.

Content Strategy- The Penny Drops

Andrew: “And once again we come to the issue of the website. I am delighted to inform you all that we have made significant progress since we last met. You will recall we weren’t getting any business from the website and that we weren’t getting round to creating content. Poor Emma actually did take the time to write an excellent article showcasing her expertise and we put it on the site but hardly anyone knew it was there. It wasn’t showing up in Google search results either and we had no idea if it had brought us any business – given its lack of audience it seemed highly unlikely.

“So, we realised we needed some expert help, we are lawyers after all and not digital marketers. I spoke with an agency that assists law firms create a content strategy, including actually writing the content.  Unsurprisingly I found them online!  They get the content to show up in search and can tell you how many times it has been read. They can even tell the number of business enquiries generated by each page of content. This was exactly the help we needed.”

Douglas: “So what has been achieved then?”

Andrew: “Well, we used the content Emma had created as a bit of an experiment. The content was edited and the format changed so that it presented better to all of the search engines. A strategy was put in place to ensure that the content was being seen by the right people at the right time. And the results have been dramatic – the content is easily found when I search for terms around this type of work. “

Douglas: “But has it brought in any business?”

Andrew: “I know you are very interested in fees, Douglas, and I am delighted to say that it has. The agency put call tracking on to the site meaning that we can track the calls that come from each page. Emma’s piece has generated six business enquiries in the last month.”

Emma: “Yes, I am delighted. This is a fairly niche area and I can convert the enquiries fairly easily so I have managed to open up 4 files. The average fee value is significant, so the return on our investment is significant.”

Andrew: “Excellent, this is definitely a step in the right direction. You know that I had been getting fairly perplexed about us not winning online business. I realise now that just spending money on a website and then doing nothing with it was a mistake. As the agency put it, paying for a website and then not implementing a content strategy for it is a bit like buying a car and then never putting any petrol in it – neither approach gets you anywhere.”

Douglas: “Interesting stuff; so how do I become involved with this? In this day and age people do everything online, including getting a lawyer it seems, so count me in.”

Andrew: “Good to have you on board, Douglas. I will forward on your details to Kate from the agency and she will be in touch. And if you can create any content about the types of work you want or your own expertise and approach in the interim then all the better.”

Emma: “We seem to have finally got a plan in place around the internet. If I’m honest, I was getting quite nervous about it all, it’s crucial to the future health of the business.”

The Next Steps for You and Your Law Firm

We hope you enjoyed our fictional partners meeting minutes. We know from experience and feedback from our customers that discussions like those outlined are very common in law firms throughout the UK. Increasingly though, law firms are becoming more aware of the need to create robust online platforms packed full of rich valuable content; content which is of value to online visitors and which makes the website one of the most important assets owned by the firm.  The vast majority of new clients in the internet age will have visited your website before instructing you – either through finding you through search or assessing you after a recommendation.

If your online presence is in need of a strategic fuel injection, then Curated Media can help you, just as we did for Andrew and Emma. If you want to know more about how important online content is then please read our Content Odyssey Guide.

Contact Curated Media

At Curated Media, we help lawyers and law firms nurture their online presence so that it truly reflects their brand. Our team of experienced writers, lawyers, online marketers and web developers have the practical knowledge to create and channel content strategically, so that it becomes a vital brand asset. For more information, please get in touch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us on 0808 301 5192.

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